Lara Barrios C M, Catalfamo Formento P, Muñoz Larrosa E, Blanco-Ortega A. (2020). Evaluation of the offline classification error of human locomotion modes using virtual force-sensing resistor data. Artículo presentado en la International Conference on Mechatronics, Electronics and Automotive Engineering, realizado en Cuernavaca, Morelos, México, en Noviembre de 2020. doi: 10.1109/ ICMEAE51770.2020.00035. Available from:
Ravera E, Beret J, Riveras M, Crespo M, Shaheen AF, Catalfamo Formento P. (2020) Assessment of two musculoskeletal models in children with crouch gait. In book Biomedical Engineering and Comptuational Intelligence. Springer. Pag 13-23. Available from:
Riveras, M., Ravera, E., Shaheen, A. F., Ewins, D., & Catalfamo Formento, P. (2020). Minimum toe clearance and tripping probability in people with unilateral transtibial amputation walking on ramps with different prosthetic designs. Gait and Posture 81, 41-48.
Riveras, M., Ravera, E., Shaheen, A. F., Ewins, D., & Catalfamo Formento, P. (2020). Spatio temporal parameters and symmetry in subjects ascending and descending a ramp, using three different prosthetic feet. Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology (Q2), 34(2), 955–961.
Ramiro Muñoz, Paola Catalfamo Formento, Cesar Ignacio Dutto, Camila Duré, Claudia Bonell (2020). Evaluation of a protocol to measure the Total Heart Beat Index in research and clinical environments. IFMBE Proceedings of the: VIII Latin American Conference on Biomedical Engineering and XLII National Conference on Biomedical Engineering. Vol 75, pag 1403-1409. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-30648-9_117.
Camila Ileana Duré, Julio Savio, Bruno Marengo, Germán Perotti, Paola Catalfamo Formento, Claudia Edith Bonell (2020). Protocol for the functional evaluation of patients with knee injury treated in a local rehabilitation centre. IFMBE Proceedings of the: VIII Latin American Conference on Biomedical Engineering and XLII National Conference on Biomedical Engineering. Vol 75, pag 908 – 912. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-30648-9_117.
Catalfamo Formento Paola, Bonell Claudia, Aldonate Julio, Cherniz Analía, Ravera Emiliano, De Grucci Carla, Bertot Agostina (2019). Herramientas de Análisis del Movimiento Humano para su aplicación clínica. Ciencia, Docencia y Tecnología, 9(9), 414 -434.
Bertot Agostina, Barrera Verónica, Dutto César Ignacio, Bernal Cecilia, Catalfamo Formento Paola (2019). Análisis de marcha en amputados: prueba piloto. Ortesis, Prótesis y Movilidad. Vol 2, pag 34-37. Editorial: ISPO Argentina.
De Grucci C, Bonell C, Dutto CI, Barrera V, Bernal C, Catalfamo Formento P. Gait Analysis through a visual method to calculate temporal parameters: comparison of performance between the gait laboratory and the clinical setting. Revista de la Sociedad Argentina de Bioingeniería. 23 (2), pag 2-7, 2019. Editorial SABI.
Ramiro Muñoz, Catalfamo Formento Paola, Bonell Claudia. Evaluation of a new metabolic cost indicator for gait analysis. Revista de la Sociedad Argentina de Bioingeniería. 23 (2), pag 8-11, 2019. Editorial SABI.
Ravera E, Crespo M, Catalfamo Formento P (2019). Assessment of the Energy-related Cost Function by a Muscle Energy Rate Approach during Walking. Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology. Editorial Springer.
Ravera E, Crespo M, Catalfamo Formento P (2018). A subject-specific integrative biomechanical framework of the pelvis for gait analysis. Journal of Engineering in Medicine. Proceedings of the Institute of Mechanical Engineering Part H: Journal of Engineering in Medicine 232 (11), páginas 1083-1097. Springer Berlin Heidelberg.